Other Words for Pulse

Pulse Verb Synonyms
beat, beating, throb, throbbing, pulsing, pulsating, pulsation, pounding, thrumming, drumming, thumping, thudding, reverberation, reverberating, hammering, palpitation, palpitating, vibration, vibrating
The pulse of the jungle drums became louder and faster.

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Pulse Radar

Technology / Radar / Pulse Radar: A pulse radar transmits a sequence of short pulses of rf energy, and estimates range to the target by measuring the time delay in returned pulses. MORE

Pulse Compression Radar

Technology / Radar / Pulse Compression Radar: Pulse-compression radars make use of specific signal processing techniques to provide most of the advantages of extremely narrow pulses widths whilst remaining within the peak power limitations of the MORE

Specific Impulse

Technology / Rockets / Specific Impulse: Specific impulse refers to the power per unit of propellant. For instance, when Aerotech says that their propellant delivers nearly three times the power of the equivalent amount of black powder prop MORE

Carotid Pulse

Health / Fitness / Carotid Pulse: Pulse located on the both side of the neck, under the jawbone. Used for taking a persons heart rate. MORE

Pulse Volume

Technology / Radar / Pulse Volume: The volume in which the radar data for one range bin are measured. Defined by the width of the radar beam (app. 1?°) and half the length of the transmitted pulse. 1 ?µs pulses are 150 m deep, 2 ?µs MORE

Pulse Doppler Radar

Technology / Radar / Pulse Doppler Radar: Pulse doppler radars make use of the dopper shift in pulse radar to determine the relative velocity of moving targets. MORE