Other Words for Puff

Puff Adjective Synonyms
advertisement, praise, mention, word, item, review, notice, publicity, puffery, plug, blurb, hype
The late editions of the papers carry puffs for your new restaurant.

Puff Noun Synonyms
blow, breathe, huff, pant, gasp, wheeze
Victor came huffing and puffing up to the finishing line.

draw, pull (at or on), inhale, suck, smoke, drag
Holmes was puffing silently on his pipe.

draught, draw, pull, drag
She took a puff from her cigarette and blew the smoke in his face.

Puff Verb Synonyms
publicize, advertise, promote, push, trumpet, ballyhoo, extol, commend, praise, plug, beat the drum (for)
He has been shamelessly puffing his book on every radio and TV show.

blow, breath, wind, whiff, draught, gust, blast, huff
A slight puff through the open window stirred the curtains.

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More Words for Puff

Review / Praise / Wind / Drag / Pull / Notice / Draw / Mention


Business / Real Estate / Puffing: Exaggerated or superlative comments or opinions not made as representations of fact and thus are not grounds for misrepresentation, such as, This property is a real good buy. One test used is whether MORE

Powder Puff, Puff Ball

Entertainment / Bowling / Powder Puff, Puff Ball: Same as nothing ball. MORE


Science / Weather / Cirrocumulus: A cirriform cloud with vertical development, appearing as a thin sheet of small white puffs which give it a rippled effect. It often creates a 'mackerel sky', since the ripples may look like fish scal MORE

Unreleased Stop

Entertainment / Literature / Unreleased Stop: In linguistics, a stop sound without explosion (i.e., a puff of air) in the place where articulated stoppage would normally take place. For instance, this appears in some New York dialects. Here, when MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Aspiration: (adjective form, aspirated) A puff of breath made along with a consonant sound while vocalizing. MORE