Promotion Noun Synonyms
advancement, advance, upgrading, upgrade, rise, elevation, preferment, exaltation
He was envied for his promotion to the highest ranking post in the department.
furtherance, advancement, advance, encouragement, support, backing, sanction, sanctioning, abetting, aiding, helping, assisting, boosting, fostering, nurturing, cultivation, development, developing, improvement, improving, inspiration, inspiriting, streng
The Society exists for the promotion of learning in a number of subjects.
advertising, publicity, public relations, propaganda, selling, hard or soft sell, fanfare, plugging, puffery, (media) hype, ballyhoo, hoop-la
The manufacturer spent millions on the promotion of the new cola.
promoting, recommendation, presentation, espousal, commendation, advocacy, championing
I am grateful for your promotion of my name for the job.
advertisement, advertising, circular, brochure, handbill, bill, hand-out, leaflet, poster, affiche, placard, publicity, space, (publicity) release, hoarding, flier or flyer, billboard, broadside, puff piece, poop sheet
The promotions for the new detergent use the celebrity endorsement technique.
Search Google for Promotion:
Business / Agriculture / Market Promotion Program (MPP): An export promotion program authorized by the FACT Act of 1990 that replaced the Targeted Export Assistance (TEA) program authorized by the Food Security Act of 1985. The MPP was renamed the Market Ac MORE
Business / Agriculture / Fluid Milk Promotion Act Of 1990: This is the designation given to Subtitle H of Title XIX of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990. Subtitle H authorized the establishment of a national milk processor check-off p MORE
Business / Agriculture / Commodity Promotion Programs: Programs that advertise and promote an agricultural commodity or product without reference to the specific farmer, brand name, or manufacturer. Producers can and do organize voluntary commodity promot MORE
Business / Agriculture / Dairy Promotion Program: The Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 authorized a national producer program for dairy product promotion, research, and nutrition education as part of a comprehensive strategy to increase hum MORE
Business / Agriculture / Promotion Program: Any program by an approved commodity promotion board or marketing order, including paid advertising, to present a favorable image of an agricultural commodity to the public to stimulate sales and impr MORE
Business / Agriculture / Generic Advertising And Promotion: The promotion of a particular commodity without reference to a specific producer, brand name, or manufacturer. Because individual producers of nearly homogeneous agricultural commodities cannot easily MORE