Print Adjective Synonyms
reproduction, copy, replica, facsimile, positive, photograph, etching, (steel or wood-)engraving, lithograph, woodcut, linocut, silk screen, rotogravure, Trade Mark Xerox, picture, illustration, photo, cut, pic
Today, a good print of a Picasso costs more than an original did fifty years ago.
Print Noun Synonyms
impress, imprint, stamp, publish, issue, run off, put out, copy, (pull a) proof
We decided to print 500 copies of the book. You may have your name printed on the cover for an additional amount.
Print Verb Synonyms
text, printed matter, type, writing, language, wording, (choice of) words, phrasing
You'd be well advised to read the small print before signing the agreement.
Search Google for Print:
Technology / Digital Cameras / Exif Print: An Exif Print-capable camera is great if you're going to be printing out photos on an Exif Print-compatible photo printer. The camera records information like exposure settings and light metering at t MORE
Technology / Digital Cameras / Online Photo Printer: A company that receives digital photos uploaded to its Web site, prints them, then sends the prints back by mail or courier. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Enprint: Small enlarged print, with dimensions of a fixed ration, produced commercially in an automatic printer. Usually 3 ??' wide. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Contact Printer: Apparatus used for making contact prints. Equipment ranges from a contact printing frame to more sophisticated boxes with safe lighting. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Full Scale Print: Print having a wide range of tonalities. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Wood Print: Is a print made on a wood surface which has been photochemically prepared. MORE