Other Words for Primary

Primary Adjective Synonyms
youth, springtime, best years, heyday, pinnacle, acme, peak, zenith
Some people reach the prime of life at 60.

unmixed, unadulterated, pure, simple, rudimentary, fundamental, principal
The primary colours in art are red, yellow, blue.

best, foremost, chief, first-rate, first-class, choice, select, superior, pre-eminent, leading, ranking, predominant, unparalleled, matchless, peerless, noteworthy, outstanding, admirable, worthy, exceptional, excellent, extraordinary, exceptional
She is a prime example of the results of a modern education. Arthur is certainly a prime candidate for the position.

(make or get) ready, prepare, educate, teach, instruct, coach, train, tutor, drill
Has Sonia been fully primed to take over the chairmanship when Sir William steps down.

firsthand, direct, immediate
Bauxite is the primary source of aluminium ore.

original, fundamental, basic, elemental, elementary
The prime cause of scurvy is lack of fresh fruit and vegetables.

elementary, basic, rudimentary, fundamental
One of the primary lessons we are taught is consideration for others.

Primary Adverb Synonyms
first, prime, principal, chief, main, leading, pre-eminent, cardinal, fundamental, basic, essential, predominant, elementary, elemental, underlying
The primary reason I want to see you is to discuss your future with the company. The primary meaning of a word is given first.

earliest, first, original, initial, primitive, primeval, primordial, embryonic, germinal, beginning, ultimate
The primary source of life was possibly a sort of soup containing proteins and other molecules.

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Main / Essential / First / Select / Pure / Best / Simple / Coach / Worthy / Original / Chief

Primary Source

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Primary Growth

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Primary Consumer

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Primary Meristems

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