Press Noun Synonyms
subject to or exert pressure or force, force, push, impel, thrust, bear (on), weigh on or upon, jam, cram, crush, pressure or also pressurize
The crowd was pressing against the door. Although hard pressed at first, we eventually won.
Press Verb Synonyms
iron, smooth, flatten, put through a mangle, steam
I shall have to press my jacket before going out to dinner.
constrain, urge, force, pressure, compel, demand, persuade, induce, prod, provoke, importune, beseech, ask, request, beg, entreat
They pressed me to tell where the money was hidden.
squeeze, compress, depress, push
When the picture is in focus, press this button to release the shutter.
crowding, gathering, thronging, converging, convergence, crowd, throng, swarm, cluster, huddle, pack, herd, host, multitude, horde, mob, crush
When the doors opened, the huge press of people pushed onto the train.
crowd, flock, gather, mill, swarm, throng, seethe, cluster, congregate, meet, converge, huddle
The reporters pressed round the chancellor to catch every word.
urgency, haste, hurry, hustle, bustle, pressure, stress
The press of business required me to postpone my trip to Paris.
squeeze, crush, compress, mash
After harvesting, the grapes are pressed to extract the juice.
clasp, embrace, hug, hold (close or tight(ly)), take in one's arms, throw one's arms about or around, cleave to, clip
She pressed the child to her with great affection.
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Smooth / Demand / Pressure / Host / Squeeze / Gather / Force / Pack / Meet / Herd / Stress
Science / Weather / Sea Level Pressure: The atmospheric pressure at mean sea level, usually determined from the observed station pressure. MORE
Science / Weather / Pressure Altimeter: An aneroid barometer calibrated to indicate altitude in feet instead of units of pressure. It is read accurately only in a standard atmosphere and when the correct altimeter setting is used. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Gender Expression : External manifestation of one's gender identity, usually expressed through 'masculine,' 'feminine,' or gender-variant behavior, clothing, haircut, voice, or body characteristics. Typically, transgende MORE
Science / Weather / Low Pressure System: An area of a relative pressure minimum that has converging winds and rotates in the same direction as the earth. This is counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemis MORE
Science / Chemistry / Vapor Pressure: The partial pressure of a gas in equilibrium with a condensed form (solid or liquid) of the same substance. MORE
Science / Weather / Pressure Altitude: The altitude in standard atmosphere at which a given pressure will be observed. It is the indicated altitude of a pressure altimeter at an altitude setting of 29.92 inches of mercury, and is therefore MORE