Post Adverb Synonyms
advertise, announce, proclaim, publish, circulate, propagate, promulgate, put or pin or tack or stick or hang up, affix
The notice of the meeting has been posted for all to see.
pole, stake, upright, column, pillar, pale, picket, shaft, standard, newel, pier, pylon, pile, piling, strut, shore, stanchion, leg, prop, stay, support, brace
A huge central post held up the roof.
Post Noun Synonyms
postal service, mail, delivery, collection
I am expecting an important letter in the post. It hasn't come in the first post.
record, enter, register, list
We post the daily receipts in this ledger.
assignment, appointment, position, situation, job, place, duty, role, function, employment, work, task, chore
Clarke was given a post as consul in some forgotten country.
Post Verb Synonyms
send, dispatch or despatch, transmit, mail
I posted your cheque this morning.
place, put, station, assign, appoint, position, situate, set, locate
Guards have been posted around the enclosure.
Search Google for Post:
Enter / Pole / Position / Record / Stay / List / Set / Pile / Shaft / Station / Register / Support / Work
Entertainment / Golf / Postage Stamp: ('postage stamp green') a green with a particularly small surface area presenting a demanding target MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Goal Posts: The 7-10 split. Same as bedposts. MORE
Health / Massage / Reposturing Dynamics: Reposturing dynamics is a system of stretches and massage techniques designed to restore balance and flexibility to the body. Reposturing dynamics is participatory, with lots of breathing and many str MORE
Health / Massage / Postural Integration: Postural integration and energetic integration were developed by Jack Painter in the late 1960s and have spread to Western Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Australia. These approaches focus on the unity of MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Posting: The method of advertising for vacancies internally by posting a notice of the opening on a bulletin board, etc. MORE