Positive Adjective Synonyms
auspicious, promising, propitious, encouraging, optimistic, favorable, cheerful, confident, bullish, upbeat
In the long run, the picture for home-owners looks positive. It pays to maintain a positive outlook and not get depressed.
encouraging, supportive, constructive, reassuring, enthusiastic, favorable, affirmative, yes, confirming
Our plan to buy out the company has received a positive reaction from our bankers. Asked if they would buy our product, businessmen gave a positive response.
practical, realistic, utilitarian, productive, functional, pragmatic(al), realistic, matter-of-fact, hard-nosed
They have taken a positive approach to studying the economics of small businesses.
complete, utter, total, perfect, out-and-out, consummate, unmitigated, thorough, thoroughgoing, egregious, glaring, stark, sheer, outright, unqualified, unequivocal
You were a positive idiot not to let me know you needed help. All attempts at reconciliation ended in positive disaster.
overconfident, dogmatic, doctrinaire, pontifical, opinionated, pigheaded, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, arbitrary, overweening, arrogant, assertive, dictatorial, despotic, imperious, thetic(al)
His problem is that he is quite positive about things that simply are not so.
sure, certain, confident, convinced, satisfied
Are you positive that the last train is at midnight.
Positive Verb Synonyms
sure, certain, definite, unequivocal, categorical, absolute, unqualified, unambiguous, unmistakable or unmistakeable, clear-cut, clear, explicit, express, decisive, indisputable, indubitable, unquestionable, unquestioned, incontestable, uncontested
The police have positive evidence that the men are innocent of any crime. Spending this evening with you has been a positive delight.
definitive, emphatic, decided, forceful, firm, peremptory, definite
He gave a positive denial when asked if he had agreed to let the hostages go. She made a positive commitment to meet me here at noon.
Search Google for Positive:
Technology / Email / False Positive: A legitimate message mistakenly rejected or filtered as spam, either by an ISP or a recipient's anti-spam program. The more stringent an anti-spam program, the higher the false-positive rate. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Positive Camber: A Positive Camber turn is one that is banked higher on the outside of the turn than on the inside. NASCAR racetracks and Interstate highways are examples of roads that have Positive Camber. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Positive Space: The areas of an artwork that IS the primary subject or object. Positive Space defines the subjects outline. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Positive Weight: Weight on a ball that tends to enhance the hook and/or to get the ball into a roll later down the lane; top weight, positive side weight and finger weight are considered positive weights. These are co MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Positive Discipline: A disciplinary strategy geared toward reducing and improving an individual?€™s unfavorable behavior or conduct by rewarding positive behavior rather than focusing on and punishing negative behavio MORE
Business / Finance / Positive Yield Curve: When long-term debt interest rates are higher than short-term debt rates (because of the increased risk involved with long-term debt security). MORE