Play Adjective Synonyms
participate (in), take part (in), join (in), be occupied (in or with), engage in, contend in, take up, take part in, occupy oneself in or with, undertake
He was invited for a game of poker, but he refused to play. I understand that you play bridge.
amuse oneself, frolic, frisk, cavort, gambol, caper, sport, have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself, disport (oneself), carouse
Ken's mother won't let him go out and play.
Play Noun Synonyms
amusement, frivolity, entertainment, recreation, fun, pleasure, sport, merrymaking, revelry, tomfoolery, horseplay, skylarking, monkey business, monkey tricks or monkeyshines
The time for play is past, we must get down to serious business.
flexibility, looseness, freedom, leeway, margin, room, space, movement, motion, give
There's too much play in this gear lever.
move, maneuver, action
That last play might have won you the game.
treatment, coverage, attention
The newspapers gave Connie's new book a big play.
Play Verb Synonyms
perform (upon or on), put on
Play 'Misty' for me. She plays the piccolo very well. Could you play that Caruso record.
gamble, bet, wager, stake, place, put
He played his last chip on number 14.
portray, depict, perform, act or take the role or part of, act
In the new production of Othello she plays Desdemona.
behavior, actions, deportment, conduct, demeanor
In the game of life, many have no regard for the rules of fair play. The police suspect foul play.
drama, stage play, show, piece, production, entertainment
We have tickets to a different play for every night this week.
engage, contend with, compete with or against, challenge, vie with, pit oneself against, take on, rival
The stranger played me at snooker, I lost three games out of three.
Search Google for Play:
Entertainment / Golf / Unplayable Lie: The player has determined that the ball cannot be played from its current spot MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Play The Gutter: Playing a strike angle from the edge of the gutter. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Balance (As Applied To A Player): A player is in balance if, at the point of release, they are able to complete their follow through without falling off to one side; generally means that the release and slide are simultaneous. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Playmaker: A fast player who usually scores more assists than goals. A playmaker has the speed and balance to make plays, and frequently relies on a sniper to finish them. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Stroke Play: (also 'medal play') scoring by the total number of strokes MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Pace Of Play: Time taken to play a stroke, hole or round, usually thought of in terms of maximum allowable time with an associated penalty for exceeding that time: covered by rule 6-7 of the usga rule book MORE