Permission Verb Synonyms
consent, assent, leave, acquiescence, sufferance, tolerance, laxity, leniency or lenience, leave, license, sanction, acceptance, authorization, approval, approbation, countenance, allowance, liberty, indulgence, sufferance, franchise, enfranchisement
Have you permission to watch television? She eats anything she likes with the doctor's permission.
Search Google for Permission:
Business / Internet Marketing / Permission Marketing: Marketing centered around getting customer's consent to receive information from a company. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Notice Of Deliquency: In junior financing, where the borrower gives the senior lender permission to notify the junior lender in the event of a default. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Adverse Possession: The acquiring of title to real property owned by someone else by means of open, notorious, hostile and continuous possession for a statutory period of time. The burden to prove title is on the possess MORE
Business / Real Estate / Building Permit: Written governmental permission for the construction, alteration or demolition of an improvement, showing compliance with building codes and zoning ordinances. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Conditional-Use Permit: Written governmental permission allowing a use inconsistent with zoning but necessary for the common good, such as locating an emergency medical facility in a predominantly residential area. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Estate (Tenancy) At Will: An estate (or tenancy ) in which a person holds or occupies real estate with the permission of the owner, for a term of unspecified or uncertain duration, i.e., there is no fixed term to the tenancy. MORE