Pending Noun Synonyms
awaiting, waiting (for), depending on, till, until, 'til, till such time as, while, during
Pending the outcome of the trial, he was remanded in custody.
unsettled, undetermined, undecided, unconfirmed, unfinished, inconclusive, up in the air, hanging fire, in the balance, in abeyance, forthcoming, imminent, impending, in the offing, in a holding pattern, on hold
The pending negotiations on the rent will determine whether we stay or move house. While the matter is pending, we can do nothing.
Search Google for Pending:
Business / Taxes / Spending Plan: A spending plan can help you manage your money more effectively, live within your income limits, reduce your reliance on consumer credit, and save for the things you want. You create a spending plan, MORE
Business / Taxes / Flexible Spending Account: Some employers offer flexible spending accounts (FSA), sometimes called cafeteria plans, as part of their employee benefits package. You contribute a percentage of your pretax salary, up to the limit MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Account Daily Spending Limit: Maximum amount you want to spend each day. You may be charged up to 10% above your Account Daily Spending Limit. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Flexible Spending Account (FSA): An account that reimburses the participant for qualified health costs or dependent care expenses through one pre-tax savings account. Employees or employers or both fund the account. At the end of eac MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA): A benefit plan designed to allow employees to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible medically related expenses, such as medical, vision or dental exams, copays and deductibles, as well as othe MORE
Business / Finance / Open Depending On The Floor: Used for listed equity securities. Having room for a customer buyer or seller contingent on the results of a trade being executed on the floor (i.e., satisfying the specialist book and the orders the MORE