Other Words for Pane

Pane Verb Synonyms
panel, sheet, glass, window-pane, light, quarrel, bull's-eye
Ring up the glazier and have that pane replaced in the door.

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More Words for Pane

Sheet / Glass / Light

Wooden Panels

Lifestyle / Painting / Wooden Panels: Up till the 15th century and the coming of canvas nearly all the portable paintings in Europe were executed on wooden panels. The Flemish and the French painters preferred oak, the Italians white popl MORE

Japanese Total Access Communication (JTAC)

Technology / Cell Phones / Japanese Total Access Communication (JTAC): Like the European TACS, JTAC is the Japanese analog cellular system. MORE

Patch Panel

Technology / Computers / Patch Panel: In networking a patch panel connects all networked computers to the incoming and outgoing lines of a LAN (Local Area Network) or any other electronic communications system. MORE

Japanese Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (Jasdaq)

Business / Finance / Japanese Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (Jasdaq): Japanese equivalent of Nasdaq. MORE

Riser And Panel

Business / Construction / Riser And Panel: The exterior vertical pipe (riser) and metal electric box (panel) the electrician provides and installs at the 'Rough Electric' stage. MORE


Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Champanel: Large, vigorous American hybrid grape with high heat and drought resistance. Commonly grown in Texas and other Gulf States it is one of the few hybrids developed by T.V. Munson that is resistant to Pi MORE