Owner Verb Synonyms
possessor, holder, proprietor, proprietress
The papers have been returned to their rightful owner. Who is the owner of the property.
Search Google for Owner:
Business / Real Estate / Building Owners And Managers Association (BOMA): A national organization of more than 4,000 professionals in the highrise/office building industry, with 80 local BOMA associations. The Building Owners and Managers Institute (BOMI) is the related edu MORE
Business / Real Estate / Condominium Ownership: An estate in real property consisting of an individual interest in an apartment or commercial unit and an undivided common interest in the common areas in the condo project such as the land, parking a MORE
Business / Finance / Homeowners Insurance Policy: A credit line offered by mortgage lenders allowing a homeowner a second mortgage that uses the equity present in the customer's account as collateral. MORE
Lifestyle / Time Shares / Holiday Ownership: Synonymous with vacation ownership, another term for timeshare. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Homeowners Guide To Earthquake Safety: A document produced by the State of California Seismic Safety Commission intended to help inform homeowners on earthquake safety issues in homes. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Homeowners Association: A nonprofit association of homeowners organized pursuant to a declaration of restrictions or protective covenants for a subdivision, PUD or condominium. MORE