Other Words for Out

Out Adjective Synonyms
inaccurate, incorrect, wrong, at fault, faulty, off, wide of the mark
Your figures are out by a factor of four.

alibi, excuse, escape, loophole, evasion
She used your visit as an out to avoid calling on her mother.

exhausted, gone, finished, ended, over, completed
Our food was out. Rescue came before the day was out.

extinguished, unlit, off, doused, inoperative, non-functioning, out of order or commission, unserviceable, broken
Make certain that all camp-fires are completely out. The light is out in the corridor.

outlying, distant, far-off, peripheral
He was planning to travel to the outer reaches of his empire. Let's sail to some of the out islands.

unacceptable, forbidden, prohibited, not allowed, not on
Smoking is out in the dining room.

Out Adverb Synonyms
completely, thoroughly, effectively, entirely
I was tired out after that long swim.

outside, outdoors, in or into the open air
If you go out take an umbrella.

in or into the open, to or into public notice, for all to see, out of the closet
Everything will be brought out at the trial.

unconscious, senseless, insensible, out cold, out like a light
He has been out for almost an hour.

away, abroad, elsewhere, not (at) home, gone, gone away, absent
She was out of the house when I phoned.

free, at liberty, at large, loose, unconfined
They let Matilda out after she served her sentence.

dated, out-dated, out-moded, passe, old-fashioned, antiquated, old hat, d‚mod‚, obsolete, unfashionable
Longer skirts were out in the mid-1960s.

revealed, exposed, visible, discernible, manifest, in sight, in view
Are the stars out tonight.

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More Words for Out

Off / Over / Wrong / Loose / Free


Science / Marine Biology / Outwelling: The outflow of nutrients from an estuary or salt-marsh system to shelf waters MORE

Inside Out Armswing

Entertainment / Bowling / Inside Out Armswing: The inside-out swing has a setup somewhat toward center of the body, but not always. More importantly, the pushaway, or whatever someone calls it, moves toward the center of the body. For a right-hand MORE

Punch Out Or Through

Entertainment / Bowling / Punch Out Or Through: Down a pin(s) from the middle only (punch No. 6 out of a full set; or punch through No.1 after a Worcester, etc.) MORE

Punched Out

Entertainment / Bowling / Punched Out: The act of completing a game with all strikes from a given point in the game.See also off the sheet or XXX'ed out. or all the way. MORE

Lights Out

Entertainment / Bowling / Lights Out: Two distinctly different meanings: (1) when a player shoots incredible high scores; He shot lights out.; or, to indicate a breakdown in your game; The lights went out. MORE

Roll Out

Entertainment / Bowling / Roll Out: A ball that loses its side rotation before hitting the pins; the hook action stops at that point and the ball straightens out; generally undesirable; see also hookout and hook and set. MORE