Numb Noun Synonyms
numbed, benumbed, insensible, insensate, dead, deadened, without feeling, sensationless, senseless, asleep
My feet are numb from the cold.
benumb, anaesthetize, drug, deaden, dull, freeze, paralyse, immobilize, stun
The doctor numbed my hand before removing the wart. Fear numbed her, she felt nothing as the monster approached.
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Science / Chemistry / Mass Number: The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom or ion. In nuclide symbols the mass number is given as a leading superscript. In isotope names (e. G. Carbon-14, sodium-23) the mass number is the n MORE
Technology / Aviation / N-Numbers: Federal government aircraft registration numbers. U.S. registered aircraft numbers begin with ?€?N?€? (example: N23299F). MORE
Entertainment / Photography / F Numbers: Numbers on the lens barrel indicating the size of the aperture relative to the focal length of the lens. F numbers are calculated by dividing the focal length of the lens by the effective diameter of MORE
Science / Chemistry / Wavenumber: The number of wave crests per unit distance. Wavenumber is the reciprocal of wavelength. Wavenumbers are used extensively in infrared spectroscopy, and usually have units of cm-1. MORE
Health / Disease / CAS Registry Number: A unique number assigned to a substance or mixture by the American Chemical Society Abstracts Service [external link]. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Oxidation Number: A convention for representing a charge of an atom embedded within a compound, if the compound were purely ionic. For example, H2O is a covalent compound; if it were ionic, the hydrogens would be H+ (o MORE