Novel Noun Synonyms
story, tale, narrative, romance, novella, novelette, best-seller, blockbuster
The members of our company board behave like characters out of a novel.
Novel Verb Synonyms
new, unusual, unfamiliar, unconventional, fresh, different, original, creative, untested, untried
I have a novel idea for the design of an ultralight aircraft.
Search Google for Novel:
Entertainment / Literature / Picaresque Novel: A humorous novel in which the plot consists of a young knave's misadventures and escapades narrated in comic or satiric scenes. This roguish protagonist--called a picaro--makes his (or sometimes her) MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Adventure Novel: Any novel in which exciting events and fast paced actions are more important than character development, theme, or symbolism. Examples include Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Novel Of Manners: A novel that describes in detail the customs, behaviors, habits, and expectations of a certain social group at a specific time and place. Usually these conventions shape the behavior of the main chara MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Historical Novel: A novel in which fictional characters take part in, influence, or witness real historical events and interact with historical figures from the past. Examples include Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, Lloyd MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Sentimental Novel: An eighteenth-century or early nineteenth-century novel emphasizing pathos rather than reason and focusing on an optimistic view of the essential goodness of human nature. Examples include Laurence St MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Epistolary Novel: Any novel that takes the form of a series of letters--either written by one character or several characters. The form allows an author to dispense with an omniscient point of view, but still switch be MORE