New Adjective Synonyms
fresh, further, additional, supplemental, supplementary
Has the new issue of Verbatim come out yet.
uncharted, unexplored, untrodden, unknown, experimental
Astronomers are breaking new ground in the analysis of pulsars.
revitalized, reborn, renewed, rejuvenated, changed, altered, redone, restored, redesigned, remodelled
I saw before me a new Marie. They published a new version of the Bible.
late, young, recent
We found newer fossils at higher levels.
inexperienced, green, fresh, callow, unfledged, budding, immature, unripe, untrained
Let us look over the new recruits, Sergeant.
New Adverb Synonyms
novel, original, unique, unusual, different, fresh, creative, imaginative, brand-new
Ruth has a new idea for the sales campaign.
latest, late, modern, contemporary, modish, stylish, fashionable, chic, recent, advanced, up to date, brand-new, late-model, trendy, mod, hip
Macgregor buys a new car every year: it has to be equipped with the newest gadgets.
Search Google for New:
Science / Weather / Newhall Winds: The local name for winds blowing downward from desert uplands through the Newhall Pass southward into the San Fernando Valley, north of Los Angeles. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Newtonian Fluid: A fluid whose viscosity doesn't depend on gradients in flow speed. Gases and low-molecular weight liquids are usually Newtonian fluids. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Non-Newtonian Fluid: A fluid whose viscosity changes when the gradient in flow speed changes. Colloidal suspensions and polymer solutions like ketchup and starch/water paste are non-Newtonian fluids. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Renewal Underwriting: The process by which an underwriter reviews each year all the selection factors that were considered when the contract was issued, then compares the group's actual utilization rates to those the MCO p MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Newbie or Noob: Term used to describe an inexperienced player, or to be derogatory about another player?€™s skills. There are many spellings used, often using leetspeak: 'newbie,' 'newb,' 'noob,' 'n00b,' or even MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / New Orleans Coffee: Traditionally, dark-roast coffee blended with up to forty percent roasted and ground chicory root. Most New Orleans blends sold in specialty stores today contain no chicory, however. They are essentia MORE