Nab Adjective Synonyms: catch, capture, arrest, put or place under arrest, seize, apprehend, pick up, bring in, take into custody, pinch, collar, run in, nail, nick
Nag Verb Synonyms: scold, harpy, pest, shrew, virago, termagant, fishwife
Nag At Noun Synonyms: annoy, irritate, irk, pester, criticize, ride, scold, carp (at), upbraid, badger, harass, harry, vex, henpeck, torment, hector, pick at, goad, pick on, find fault with, berate, nettle, bully, provoke, plague, worry, bother, chivvy
Nagging Noun Synonyms: distressing, chronic, continuous, continual, persistent, unrelenting, relentless, recurring
Nail Adjective Synonyms: fingernail, toenail, claw, talon
Nail Noun Synonyms: fastener, fastening, spike, pin
Nail Down Verb Synonyms: settle, secure, resolve, complete, conclude, make final, finalize
Nail Ones Nails Noun Synonyms: worry, agonize, fret, lose sleep (over), chafe, suffer, stew (over or about)
Naive Verb Synonyms: naive, ingenuous, innocent, credulous, childlike, born yesterday, unaffected, unsophisticated, inexperienced, green, unworldly, unsuspecting, unenlightened, unsuspicious, trusting, trustful, gullible, artless, guileless, simple, simplistic, simple
Naivety Verb Synonyms: naivety, naivet‚ or naivet‚, ingenuousness, innocence, credulity, credulousness, inexperience, (blind) trust, gullibility, artlessness, callowness, guilelessness, simplicity, unpretentiousness, candour, naturalness, frankness, openness, sincerity
Naked Adjective Synonyms: stark naked, unclothed, undraped, bare, exposed, stripped, undressed, unclad, uncovered, bared, nude, in the nude, in the altogether, in one's birthday suit, in the buff, in the raw, au naturel, in a state of nature, starkers, in the nuddy
Naked Noun Synonyms: unaided, unassisted
Name Noun Synonyms: personage, somebody, celebrity, star, superstar, hero, VIP, dignitary, luminary, big shot, bigwig, big cheese, big name
Name Adjective Synonyms: designation, label, appellation, term, tag, style, moniker or monicker, handle
Name Names Noun Synonyms: identify, specify, mention, cite
Nameless Verb Synonyms: unnamed, innominate, unidentified, anonymous, pseudonymous, incognito, unknown, unheard-of, unsung
Namely Adjective Synonyms: specifically, to wit, that is (to say), id est, i.e., videlicet, viz., scilicet, sc., for example, for instance, exempli gratia
Nap Verb Synonyms: doze, catnap, siesta, forty winks, shut-eye, snooze, zizz, lie-down
Nap Adjective Synonyms: doze, nod (off), catnap, catch forty winks, drop off (to sleep), get some shut-eye, snooze, zizz, catch or log a few zees (Z's)
Nap Adverb Synonyms: pile, fibre, texture, weave, down, shag
Napping Adverb Synonyms: unawares, off guard, unexpectedly, in an unguarded moment
Narcotic Noun Synonyms: soporific, stuporific, hypnotic, sedative, somnolent, sleep-inducing, opiate, dulling, numbing, anaesthetic, stupefacient, stupefying, stupefactive, tranquillizing
Narrate Adjective Synonyms: relate, tell, recount, report, give an account (of), recite, rehearse, repeat, review, unfold, chronicle, describe, detail, reveal, retail
Narration Noun Synonyms: telling, relating, unfolding, recounting, chronicling, recording, describing, report, recital, recitation, rehearsal, relation, chronicle, description, portrayal, detailing, revelation, story, tale, narrative
Narration Verb Synonyms: reading, voice-over
Narrative Noun Synonyms: story, tale, chronicle, description, revelation, portrayal, account, report, record, history, recital, statement