Other Words for Moral

Moral Adjective Synonyms
ethical, right, good, pure, honest, proper, upright, honourable, decent, moralistic, respectable, high-minded, virtuous, upstanding, righteous, principled, scrupulous, incorruptible, noble, just
She is one of the most moral people I have ever met.

lesson, homily, teaching, point, message, aphorism, maxim, precept, apophthegm or apothegm, adage, saw, proverb, epigram, motto, slogan
The moral of the story is, 'Do unto others before they do unto you'.

Moral Verb Synonyms
ethical, moralizing, moralistic
Questions of right and wrong are a subject for moral philosophy. It is a moral, not a legal, issue.

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More Words for Moral

Just / Pure / Good / Righteous / Noble / Point / Right

Moral Obligation Bond

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Morality Play

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Moral Hazard

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