Other Words for Mixture

Mixture Adjective Synonyms
mixing, amalgamation, amalgamating, combining, mingling, intermingling, combination, blend, blending, association, associating, compound, compounding, synthesis, interweaving, merging, merger, fusion, fusing, alloy, alloying
The mixture of household ammonia and bleach creates noxious fumes.

assortment, amalgam, amalgamation, medley, combination, mingling, intermingling, composite, blend, jumble, mix, miscellany, m‚lange, mess, mishmash, hotchpotch or and hodgepodge, gallimaufry, farrago, olio, olla podrida, hash, pot-pourri
The design is an unfortunate mixture of many incompatible styles.

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More Words for Mixture

Mix / Amalgam

Heterogeneous Mixture

Science / Chemistry / Heterogeneous Mixture: A sample of matter consisting of more than one pure substance and more than one phase. Blood, protoplasm, milk, chocolate, smoke, and chicken soup are examples of heterogeneous mixtures. MORE

Eutectic Mixture

Science / Chemistry / Eutectic Mixture: A mixture of two or more substances with melting point lower than that for any other mixture of the same substances. MORE

Bordeaux Mixture

Life Style / Wine / Bordeaux Mixture: A vine treatment, comprising copper sulphate, slaked lime and water. The mixture is sprayed onto the vines to treat downy mildew. It is permitted for use in organic and biodynamic vineyards. MORE

Hypergolic Mixture

Science / Chemistry / Hypergolic Mixture: An oxidizing agent and a fuel that react or ignite instantly and spontaneously on contact. Methylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide is a hypergolic mixture used as a propellant in the space shuttle's MORE

Heterogenous Mixture

Science / Chemistry / Heterogenous Mixture: A common misspelling of heterogeneous. MORE

Homogeneous Mixture

Science / Chemistry / Homogeneous Mixture: A sample of matter consisting of more than one pure substance with properties that do not vary within the sample. MORE