Other Words for Minimum

Minimum Verb Synonyms
least, lowest, nadir
The hotel offered the minimum of comfort for the maximum price.

minimal, nominal, reduced, minutest, littlest, least, slightest, lowest
What is the minimum deposit the travel agent will accept? He refused to make even the minimum effort needed to save himself.

Search Google for Minimum:

Minimum Detectable Range

Technology / Radar / Minimum Detectable Range: The minimum range at which an object can be detected due to antenna height, vertical beam width and transmitted pulse length. MORE

Minimum Connect Time

Lifestyle / Travel / Minimum Connect Time: The shortest time required in order to successfully transfer to a connecting flight. It is recommended to select a connecting flight that exceeds the minimum connection time. MORE

Minimum Required Distribution (MRD)

Business / Taxes / Minimum Required Distribution (MRD): A minimum required distribution is the smallest amount you can take each year from your retirement savings plan once you've reached the mandatory withdrawal age. There are MRDs for 401(k) plans, 403(b MORE

Minimum Monthly Benefit

Health / Dentistry / Minimum Monthly Benefit: There is usually a minimum amount paid as a monthly benefit after reductions for 'Other Income Benefits'. MORE

Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)

Business / Finance / Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT): A federal tax aimed at ensuring that wealthy individuals, estates, trusts, and corporations pay a minimal level income tax. For individuals, the AMT is calculated by adding adjusted gross income to ta MORE

Minimum Purchases

Business / Finance / Minimum Purchases: For mutual funds, the amount required to open a new account (minimum initial purchase) or to deposit into an existing account (minimum additional purchase). These minimums may be reduced for buyers pa MORE