Other Words for Message

Message Noun Synonyms
idea, point, import, meaning, essence, implication
The message that he isn't liked around here still hasn't penetrated his thick skull.

Message Verb Synonyms
communication, bulletin, report, news, dispatch or despatch, information, word, intelligence, tidings, note, missive, letter, memorandum
The message reached us by carrier pigeon.

speech, address, presentation, statement, declaration
His message was delivered via television to people everywhere.

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More Words for Message

Note / Report / Essence / Speech / Point / News / Import

Short Message Service Center (SMSC)

Technology / Cell Phones / Short Message Service Center (SMSC): The hardware device submitting the messages. Currently, SMSC devices support binary formats. MORE

Goodbye Message

Technology / Email / Goodbye Message: An email message sent automatically to a list member who unsubscribes, acknowledging the request. Always include an option to resubscribe in case the unsubscribe was requested accidentally. MORE

Download Message

Technology / Email / Download Message: Allows you to save a copy of an email message to your own computer which will be stored as a distinct text file. MORE

HTML Message

Technology / Email / HTML Message: Email message which contains any type of formatting other than text. This may be as simple as programming that sets the text in a specific font (bold, italics, Courier 10 point, etc.). It also include MORE

Short Message Service (SMS)

Technology / Cell Phones / Short Message Service (SMS): The transmission of short alphanumeric text-messages to and from a mobile phone, fax machine and-or IP address. Messages must be no longer than 160 alphanumeric characters and contain no images or gra MORE

Welcome Message

Technology / Email / Welcome Message: Message sent automatically to new list members as soon as their email addresses are added successfully. MORE