Mature Adjective Synonyms
grow up, age, develop, come of age, be one's age, act one's age
Has he matured sufficiently to be trusted alone in the house for the weekend? I wish he'd mature a bit more.
complete, matured, perfect, perfected, polished, refined, ready, fully developed, consummated
Our plans are not yet mature.
ripe, ready, ripened, mellow, aged,' seasoned
A good wine, like fruit, should not be consumed till it is mature.
ripen, mellow, age, season, maturate
Fruit that has matured on the plant tastes best.
Mature Verb Synonyms
develop, perfect, refine, polish, maturate, bring to fruition
Their plans for major changes in company structure have not yet fully matured.
adult, grown (up), full-grown, fully grown, of age, fully fledged, full-fledged, fully developed, matured, experienced, knowledgeable, sophisticated
At twenty-two, she is mature enough to be on her own.
Search Google for Mature:
Technology / Motors / Armature Current (Amps): Rated full load armature circuit current. MORE
Technology / Motors / Armature Resistance (Ohms): Armature resistance is measured in ohms at 25f C. (cold) MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / Mature Coffee: Coffee held in warehouses for two to three years. Mature coffee has been held longer than old crop coffee, but not as long as aged or vintage coffee. MORE
Technology / Motors / Armature Reaction: The current that flows in the armature winding of a DC motor tends to produce magnetic flux in addition to that produced by the field current. This effect, which reduces the torque capacity, is called MORE
Technology / Motors / Armature Inductance (Mh): Armature inductance in milli-henries (saturated). MORE
Business / Finance / Mature Economy: The economy of a nation with a stable population and slowing economic growth. MORE