Manager Noun Synonyms
supervisor, superintendent, director, executive, head, proprietor, overseer, foreman, forewoman, administrator, manageress , straw boss, boss, chief
The position of manager entails a lot of responsibility.
Search Google for Manager:
Lifestyle / Travel / Food and Beverage Manager: He or she is responsible for the management of all shipboard restaurants, bars, and galleys; overall cleanliness of all food preparation and service areas; and food purchase and budgeting. The ship's MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Hotel Manager: Most cruise ships employ a hotel manager to oversee the entire hotel operation (food & beverage, entertainment, housekeeping, etc.). MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Test Manager: A manager of testers and lead testers. Responsible for handling personnel issues, equipment needs, and costs incurred by his teams. MORE
Life Style / Travel / Food & Beverage Manager: He or she is responsible for the management of all shipboard restaurants, bars, and galleys; overall cleanliness of all food preparation and service areas; and food purchase and budgeting. The ship's MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Remote Managers: A manager who supervises employees who perform their work at a site other then the employer?€™s premises. MORE
Business / Finance / Portfolio Manager: Used in the context of general equities. Professional responsible for the securities portfolio of an individual or institutional investor, such as a mutual fund, pension fund, profit-sharing plan, ban MORE