Other Words for Loose

Loose Adjective Synonyms
unconfining, free-flowing, flowing, baggy, slack, hanging
That skirt is loose on you since you lost weight.

wanton, dissolute, debauched, immoral, promiscuous, abandoned, fast, libertine, profligate, licentious, lewd, perverted, corrupt
She was quickly gaining a reputation for being a loose woman.

lax, relaxed, negligent, careless, sloppy
Discipline has been quite loose around here lately.

disordered, disorganized, unbound, untied, messy, strewn or spread or tossed or thrown about or around, scattered (about or around), in disorder, in disarray, dispersed
On the desk was a loose pile of papers.

rambling, disconnected, unstructured, unconnected, discontinuous, non-specific, unspecific, indefinite, imprecise, inexact, inaccurate, free, broad, rough, offhand, casual, careless, untidy, sloppy, slapdash, general, vague
He gave a loose description of his assailant. A loose translation does not convey the flavor of the original.

Loose Adverb Synonyms
untie, undo, unfasten, let go, disengage, relax, ease, loosen, slacken, cast off
Loose these ropes, please.

let go, (set) free, release, let or set or turn loose, liberate, deliver
Ten thousand balloons were loosed in the celebration.

Loose Noun Synonyms
unconfined, untied, unfettered, released, freed, unshackled, unchained, free, at liberty, at large, on the loose, untrammelled
In Pamplona, they allow loose bulls to run through the streets to the arena.

Loose Verb Synonyms
let go, let fly, fire, discharge, shoot, unleash, deliver
We loosed a devastating barrage at the enemy.

unattached, unconnected, disconnected, detached, free, unsecured, unfastened, movable
I have a loose tooth. The vacuum cleaner will pick up any loose bits.

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