Lethal Noun Synonyms
deadly, fatal, mortal
The lethal blow was delivered by a blunt instrument.
Search Google for Lethal:
Business / Agriculture / LD50- Lethal Dose - LC50-Lethal Concentration: The dose (median concentration) of a toxicant that will kill 50% of the test animals within a designated period. The lower the LC50, the more toxic the compound. Testing to determine lethal dosages is MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Pluck Buffet: Anthropologists suggest that pre-adolescent male children in a variety of cultures share the game of 'pluck buffet.' In this game, one child trades blows on the arm or chest with another to see who is MORE
Health / Disease / Reservoir: (or Natural Reservoir)The long-term host of the pathogen of an infectious disease. The long term host may not get the disease carried by the pathogen or it may be asymptomatic and non-lethal. Examples MORE
Business / Agriculture / Bioaccumulation: The absorption and concentration of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and certain pesticides in plants and animals. Toxicity can be expressed in several ways: lead that is ingested by calves can bioaccum MORE
Business / Agriculture / Migratory Bird Treaty Act Of 1918: P.L. 65-186 (July 3, 1918), as amended, regulates the taking of wild birds and implements the provisions of four different bilateral treaties for bird conservation (with Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Rus MORE