Other Words for Ingredient

Ingredient Adjective Synonyms
constituent, element, part, component, factor, makings
Humour is a necessary ingredient in any working relationship.

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More Words for Ingredient


Active Ingredient

Business / Agriculture / Active Ingredient: In any pesticide product, the component that kills, or otherwise controls, target pests. Pesticides are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency primarily on the basis of active ingredients. MORE

Inert Ingredient

Business / Agriculture / Inert Ingredient: Pesticide components such as solvents, carriers, dispersants, and surfactants that are not active against target pests. Inert ingredients may be toxic and may be subject to testing under the Federal I MORE


Health / First Aid / Camphor: Resin from the camphor tree MORE


Science / Biology / Peptides: Short chains of amino acids. MORE


Health / Vitamins / Retinol: Fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin, the dietary form of vitamin A, plays an important part in vision development and bone growth, stimulates the immune function of the organism, protects against infectio MORE


Health / Vitamins / Biotin: Vitamin part of the B-complex group and responsible for making of fatty acids, it helps in the formation of glycogen, used as active ingredient in hair care products for damaged hair. MORE