Impression Noun Synonyms
printing, issue, print, copy, run
This is the third impression from the original plates.
impersonation, imitation, parody, satire, take-off, send-up
After dinner, Gerry did his impression of Churchill.
Impression Verb Synonyms
sensation, feeling, sense, suspicion, awareness, consciousness, idea, belief, fancy, notion
I have the impression that I have been here before. She gave me the impression that she didn't like me.
impact, effect, influence
Are you concerned about the impression of his speech on the crowd.
Search Google for Impression:
Business / Internet Marketing / Ad Views (Impressions): Number of times an ad banner is downloaded and presumably seen by visitors. If the same ad appears on multiple pages simultaneously, this statistic may understate the number of ad impressions, due to MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Impressionism: Loosely applied to a group of artists who purported to break up their color into pure dots of pigment to capture the rightness of pure color in nature. Instead of mixing their colors on the palette th MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Impressions: Number of homes or individuals exposed to an advertisement or group of advertisements. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM): A statistical metric used to quantify the average value / cost of Pay Per Click advertisements. M - from the Roman numeral for one thousand. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Pay-Per-Impression: An advertising pricing model in which advertisers pay agencies based on how many consumers see their promotions. MORE