Habit Verb Synonyms: custom, routine, practice, convention, policy, pattern,age, mode, rule, wont, praxis
Habit Noun Synonyms: attire, clothing, dress, apparel, clothes, garb, costume, garments, vestments, uniform, raiment, livery, regalia, habiliment(s), gear
Habitable Noun Synonyms: liveable, inhabitable
Habitat Noun Synonyms: abode, home, haunt, domain, range, territory, bailiwick, realm, terrain, element, environment, surroundings, stamping-ground
Habitual Noun Synonyms: inveterate, established, chronic, confirmed, hardened, ingrained, frequent, persistent, constant, continual, perpetual
Habitual Adjective Synonyms: settled, fixed, customary,ual, conventional, accustomed, set, rooted, established, traditional, standard, routine, ritual, regular, normal, wonted, common, ordinary, natural
Hack Adjective Synonyms: chop, hew, lacerate, gash, slash, cut, mangle, butcher, mutilate, ruin, destroy, smash, batter, damage, deface
Hack Verb Synonyms: cut, gash, slash, chop
Hack Noun Synonyms: plodder, drudge, toiler, menial, flunkey, lackey, slave, fag, grind, swot
Had Better Verb Synonyms: ought to, must, should
Had Rather Verb Synonyms: prefer to, would rather or sooner
Hag Noun Synonyms: crone, fury, witch, ogress, gorgon, harpy, fishwife, harridan, shrew, virago, termagant, vixen, hell-cat, maenad or menad, Xanthippe, beldam, dog, beast, monster, battleaxe, bitch, bag, two-bagger
Haggard Adjective Synonyms: gaunt, drawn, wasted, emaciated, hollow-eyed, hollow-cheeked, scrawny, scraggy, ghastly, cadaverous, run-down, wearied, weary, careworn, spent, played out, exhausted, toil-worn, worn, shrunken, withered
Haggle Noun Synonyms: wrangle, bargain, higgle, bicker, chaffer, palter, dispute, squabble, quibble, negotiate, barter, deal, dicker
Hail Adjective Synonyms: greet, accost, address, signal, call
Hail Verb Synonyms: cheer, salute, applaud, approve, glorify, praise, laud, honor, acclaim, congratulate, felicitate, acknowledge
Hair Noun Synonyms: hair's breadth, whisker, trifle, fraction, skin of one's teeth
Hair Verb Synonyms: tresses, locks, mane, curls, ringlets, braids, plaits
Hair-Splitting Noun Synonyms: quibbling, (over-)fussy, hypercritical, petty, captious, carping, fault-finding, finicky, (over)nice, fastidious, cavilling, niggling, nit-picking
Hairdo Noun Synonyms: coiffure, hairstyle, cut, coif
Hairless Noun Synonyms: bald, bald-headed, bald-pated, glabrous, calvous
Hairy Adjective Synonyms: hirsute, shaggy, downy, fleecy, fluffy, woolly, lanate or lanose, lanuginous or lanuginose, bristly, setaceous, setal, hispid, comate or comose, fringy, crinite, trichoid, strigose or strigous, strigillose, whiskered, bewhiskered, bearded, barbate
Hale Adjective Synonyms: healthy, hearty, fit (as a fiddle), sound, able-bodied, hardy, wholesome, robust, flourishing, in good or fine fettle, in the pink
Half Witted Adjective Synonyms: stupid, foolish, silly, simple, inane, asinine, moronic, imbecilic, doltish, rattle-brained, feeble-minded, attocerebral, cretinous, thick, non compos mentis, dim-witted, weak-minded, dumb, dotty, barmy (in the crumpet)
Half-Hearted Adjective Synonyms: indifferent, uncaring, unconcerned, lukewarm, uninterested, dispassionate, cool, unenthusiastic, half-baked, nonchalant, phlegmatic, lackadaisical, insouciant
Halfwit Adjective Synonyms: dunce, fool, idiot, simpleton, ninny, ass, ninny-hammer, moron, imbecile, dolt, dunderhead or dunderpate, rattle-brain, nincompoop, dullard, numskull or numbskull, nitwit, dim-wit, birdbrain, nit, twit