Other Words for Grace

Grace Noun Synonyms
dignify, enhance, distinguish, enrich, honor, favour
The dinner-party is graced by your presence.

adorn, embellish, set off, decorate, ornament, beautify, enhance, garnish
The table was graced by a huge silver candelabrum.

indulgence, forgiveness, mercy, mercifulness, leniency, compassion, clemency, charity, goodwill, goodness
We survived the fire only by the grace of God. The company gives you 30 days' grace to pay the bill.

kindness, favor, kindliness, benevolence, generosity, goodness, graciousness, becomingness, seemliness, excellence, virtue, strength of character, considerateness
At least he had the good grace to admit being wrong.

blessing, thanksgiving, prayer, benediction
Grace was said before each meal.

tastefulness, (good) taste, cultivation, suavity or suaveness, culture, savoir faire, discernment, discrimination, (good) manners, politeness, breeding, consideration, decency, etiquette, tact, propriety, decorum, mannerliness
They had the grace to ignore my rough attire.

Grace Verb Synonyms
elegance, gracefulness, suppleness, finesse, refinement, ease, polish, poise
She rides well, with an unconscious grace.

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Ease / Kindness / Ornament / Indulgence / Poise / Decorate

Grace Period

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Grace Note

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Trager Approach

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