Other Words for General

General Adjective Synonyms
mixed, assorted, miscellaneous, heterogeneous, encyclopedic or encyclopaedic, diversified, extended, broad, comprehensive, inclusive, all-inclusive, non-exclusive, overall, blanket, across the board, sweeping, panoramic, catholic, composite, combined
The plan is to prepare a general work of reference.

vague, indefinite, broad, ill-defined, loose, inexact, imprecise, undetailed, non-specific, unspecific, generalized, overall, approximate
This kind of general report fails to pinpoint problems.

General Noun Synonyms
ordinary, common, normal, customary, habitual, regular,ual, run-of-the-mill, everyday, familiar, accustomed, non-specialized, unspecialized, non-specific, unspecific
Indoor plumbing became general only in the twentieth century. Within the general area of ceramics there are scores of specialities.

common, prevailing, accepted, popular, public, communal, community, widespread, shared, extensive, prevalent, universal, worldwide, global, comprehensive, inclusive, all-inclusive, non-exclusive, overall, unrestricted
The general feeling is that she should resign. We demanded a general revision of the law.

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More Words for General

Common / Loose / Popular / Familiar

General Warranty Deed

Business / Real Estate / General Warranty Deed: A deed in which the grantor fully warrants good clear title to the premises. Used in most real estate deed transfers, a general warranty deed offers the greatest protection of any deed. MORE

General Protection Fault

Technology / Computers / General Protection Fault: GPF, short for General Protection Fault, is a computer condition that causes a Windows application to crash. The most common cause of a GPF is two applications trying to use the same block of memory, MORE

General Real Estate Tax

Business / Real Estate / General Real Estate Tax: General real estate taxes are levied to fund the operation of the governmental agency that imposes the taxes. MORE

General Plan

Business / Real Estate / General Plan: Every city and county is required to develop a general plan of comprehensive zoning. MORE

General Recourse

Business / Loan / General Recourse: Rights to demand payment from the general assets of the debtor, without seniority in access to any specific assets. MORE

General Obligation (GO) Bond

Business / Taxes / General Obligation (GO) Bond: State and local governments issue general obligation (GO) municipal bonds and pay the interest and repay the principal from general revenues. GO bonds considered somewhat less risky, and so pay slight MORE