Other Words for Freak

Freak Noun Synonyms
freakish, freaky, abnormal, anomalous, extraordinary, unique, rare, atypical, unusual, odd, queer, strange, exceptional, bizarre, weird, unparalleled, unforeseen, unexpected, unpredicted, unpredictable, one-off, one-shot
He claims he had a freak experience with a lion that had a thorn in its foot.

enthusiast, fan, devotee, aficionado, fanatic, addict, buff, fiend, nut
She's been a jazz freak for years.

whim, caprice, vagary, crotchet, quirk, eccentricity, fancy, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity
The snow in New York in July was a freak.

monstrosity, monster, mutant, deformity
The show features freaks such as a two-headed calf and a bearded lady.

Freak Verb Synonyms
anomaly, rarity, abnormality, irregularity, oddity, curiosity, rara avis, rare bird, one-off, one-shot
Biologists regard the albino giraffe as a freak of nature.

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