Other Words for Fracture

Fracture Noun Synonyms
break, crack, split, rupture, breach, separation, cleavage, division, rift
We can permit no fracture in the united front we present to the voters.

break, breakage, breaking
An old fracture makes him walk with a limp.

break, rupture, crack, split, breach, separate, cleave
He fractured three vertebrae in the accident.

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More Words for Fracture

Break / Separate / Crack

Compound Fracture

Health / First Aid / Compound Fracture: Compound fractures, open fractures and closed fractures are treated exactly the same, except for bleeding control. MORE

Closed Fracture

Health / First Aid / Closed Fracture: Closed and open fractures are treated exactly the same way, other than bleeding control. MORE

Complete Fracture

Health / First Aid / Complete Fracture: Oblique fractures and comminuted fractures are good examples of complete fractures. MORE

Open Fracture

Health / First Aid / Open Fracture: Closed and open fractures are treated exactly the same except for bleeding control. MORE

Incomplete Fracture

Health / First Aid / Incomplete Fracture: Incomplete fractures are common in kids and are known as greenstick fractures. MORE

Greenstick Fracture

Health / First Aid / Greenstick Fracture: Kids commonly get incomplete fractures known as greenstick fractures. MORE