Other Words for Flat

Flat Adjective Synonyms
level, horizontal, even, smooth, plane, unbroken, uninterrupted
I looked out over the flat surface of the frozen bay.

unchangeable, unchanging, invariable, unvaried, unvarying, standard, fixed, unmodified, unmodifiable, cookie-cutter
They charge the same flat rate for children, the elderly, all between.

lacking perspective, two-dimensional, lifeless, unrealistic
Some of his paintings seem pretty flat to me.

deflated, collapsed, punctured, ruptured, blown out
We had a flat tire on the way.

exact, precise
It's a flat ten minutes from here to the railway station.

collapsed, levelled, overthrown, laid low
The air raid had left all the buildings completely flat.

featureless, monotonous, dull, dead, uninteresting, unexciting, vapid, bland, empty, two-dimensional, insipid, boring, tiresome, lifeless, spiritless, lacklustre, prosaic, stale, tired, dry, jejune
The critics wrote that she turned in a very flat performance.

downright, outright, unqualified, unreserved, unconditional, absolute, categorical, explicit, unconditional, definite, firm, positive, out-and-out, unequivocal, peremptory, unambiguous, unmistakable, direct, complete, total
The request for clemency was met with the judge's flat refusal.

rooms, suite, apartment
How can you afford to keep a flat in London.

definite, certain, sure, irrevocable
I said I'm not going, that's flat.

prostrate, prone, supine, lying (down), stretched out, recumbent, outstretched, reclining, spread-eagle(d), spread out, outspread
I lay flat on my back staring up at the sky.

dull, mat or matt or matte, unshiny, non-gloss(y), non-reflective, non-glare, unpolished
The table looks better with a flat finish.

dull, slow, sluggish, inactive, depressed
Business has been a bit flat since Christmas.

dead, insipid, stale, tasteless, flavourless, unpalatable, decarbonated, non-effervescent
My beer has gone flat.

Flat Adverb Synonyms
room(s), flat, suite (of rooms), chambers, tenement, garden flat, maisonette, penthouse, studio, bedsitter, bedsit, accommodation, living quarters, digs , apartment, furnished room, walk-up, duplex, triplex
We rented a two-bedroom flat in a good neighborhood.

Flat Noun Synonyms
absolutely, completely, categorically, utterly, wholly, uncompromisingly, irrevocably, positively, definitely, directly, exactly, precisely, flatly
He has come out flat in favour of the status quo. When he started drinking, she left him flat.

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