Finance Adverb Synonyms
resource(s), banking, accounting, economics, money (management), business, commerce, (financial) affairs, investment
Bendick is the officer in charge of finance for the company.
Finance Noun Synonyms
fund, subvene, invest in, back, capitalize, underwrite, subsidize, pay for, bankroll
The new enterprise is being financed entirely by small investors.
Search Google for Finance:
Business / Loan / Amount Financed: A required Truth in Lending Act disclosure for consumer loans. It is calculated by starting with the full amount borrowed (principal) and subtracting out the dollar amount of prepaid finance charges ( MORE
Business / Taxes / Behavioral Finance: Behavioral finance combines psychology and economics to explain why and how investors act and to analyze how that behavior affects the market. Behavioral finance theorists point to the market phenomen MORE
Business / Loan / Refinance: To repay one or more existing mortgage loans by getting a new mortgage loan. MORE
Business / Finance / Internal Finance: Finance generated within a firm by retained earnings and depreciation. MORE
Business / Taxes / Minimum Finance Charge: A minimum finance charge is a fee collected by a credit card issuer each billing period. It applies when the actual finance charge you owe isn?€™t equal to or larger than this minimum. For example MORE
Business / Finance / Finance Charge: A discipline concerned with determining value and making decisions. The finance function allocates resources, including the acquiring, investing, and managing of resources. MORE