Other Words for Extra

Extra Adjective Synonyms
addition, addendum, accessory, appurtenance, supplement, bonus, premium, dividend
As an extra, each customer receives a free ball-point pen.

supplement, mark-up, surcharge, kicker
There is an extra if you want bread and butter.

Extra Noun Synonyms
additionally, again, more, in addition
They charge extra for room service.

uncommonly, unusually, exceptionally, unexpectedly, extraordinarily, remarkably, notably, surprisingly, amazingly, very, particularly, especially, extremely, strikingly
Teacher said that Philip was extra good today.

supernumerary, walk-on, super, spear-carrier
One could scarcely call being an extra a 'Hollywood career'.

Extra Verb Synonyms
leftover, excess, spare, surplus, unused, superfluous, supernumerary, reserve
After all were served, we had two extra desserts.

additional, added, auxiliary, accessory, supplementary, supplemental, further, ancillary, subsidiary, collateral, adventitious
We had an extra person for dinner. Zenobia has an extra toe on each foot.

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More Words for Extra

Supplement / Surplus / Accessory / Very / Addition / Further / Excess / Reserve


Science / Chemistry / Extraction: A technique for separating components in a mixture that have different solubilities. For example, caffeine can be separated from coffee beans by washing the beans with supercritical fluid carbon dioxi MORE


Life Style / Wine / Extract: This refers to the solid compounds in wine, such as tannins. Increasing the level of extract results in more colour and body. It may be increased by leaving the wine in contact with the skins for long MORE

Solvent Extraction

Science / Chemistry / Solvent Extraction: Solvent extraction is a method for separating mixtures by exploiting differences in the solubilities of the components. For example, a coffee machine extracts the soluble components of ground coffee w MORE

Extra-Textual Meaning

Entertainment / Literature / Extra-Textual Meaning: Meaning that originates not in the text being read, but in another related text. The most common type of extra-textual meaning is an allusion, in which an author briefly refers to a character, event, MORE

Havana Club Maximo Extra Anejo

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Technology / Computers / Extranet: An extranet is similar to an intranet. They both use Internet protocols. The difference is that the extranet is designed to give a certain amount of access to outside users where an intranet is secure MORE