Exotic Adjective Synonyms
striptease, belly, go-go, topless, bottomless, nude
Her daughter is an exotic dancer at the new disco.
strange, unfamiliar, unusual, bizarre, odd, peculiar, unique, singular, extraordinary, remarkable, out of the ordinary, different, outlandish, weird, crazy
His exotic clothes make him stand out in a crowd.
Exotic Verb Synonyms
foreign, alien, non-native, imported
She raises exotic plants.
Search Google for Exotic:
Business / Finance / Exotic Option: A variable whose value is determined outside the model in which it is used. Related: Endogenous variable MORE
Business / Agriculture / Exotic Species: A species that is not native to a region. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Exoticism: Musical style in which rhythms, melodies or instruments evoke the color and atmosphere of far-off lands. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Pentatonic Scale: Five-note pattern used in some African, Far Eastern and Native American musics: can also be found in Western music as an example of exoticism. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Introduced Species: An organism that has been brought into an area, usually by humans, where it does not normally occur. Introduced species often compete with and cause problems for native species. Introduced species are MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Argon (Ar): Atomic number: 18, Atomic mass: 39.948 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: unknown, Density: 1.78.10 -3 g.cm -3 at 0 ?°C, Melting point: -189 ?°C, Boiling point: -185.7 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.192 nm, MORE