Effective Adjective Synonyms
operative, operational, in operation, functioning, real, actual, essential, basic, true
The monthly interest may seem low, but the effective annual rate is much higher.
impressive, remarkable, noticeable, conspicuous, outstanding, striking, powerful, compelling, moving, telling, effectual
The stage setting was very effective.
Effective Verb Synonyms
effectual, efficacious, productive, capable,eful, serviceable, competent, operative, able, functional, efficient
The effective life of the battery is six months.
Search Google for Effective:
Business / Accounting / Effective Tax Rate: A tax rate that reflects the percentage of the actual tax liability to the accounting income generated by the company, that is, net tax liability/financial (book) income before taxes. MORE
Technology / Digital Cameras / Effective Pixel Count: There are two different ways to think about the pixels on a camera's image sensor. 'Actual' pixels is a simple count of every pixel present on the sensor. 'Effective' pixels, however, is a count of al MORE
Health / Dentistry / Effective Date: The date on which coverage under a health benefits plan begins. MORE
Business / Finance / Effective Convexity: The strike price in a market redemption provision plus the accrued interest to the redemption date. MORE
Business / Finance / Effective Debt: In an interest rate swap, the date the swap begins accruing interest. MORE
Business / Finance / Effective Duration: The total debt owed by a firm to its creditors. MORE