Other Words for Customary

Customary Adverb Synonyms
usual, normal, conventional, routine, everyday, common, commonplace, ordinary
Is it customary for them to eat lunch on the premises? .

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Reasonable And Customary Fees

Health / Health Insurance / Reasonable And Customary Fees: The average fee charged by a particular type of health care practitioner within a geographic area. The term is often used by medical plans as the amount of money they will approve for a specific test MORE

Customary Payout Ratios

Business / Finance / Customary Payout Ratios: Applies mainly to international equities. Bank or other financial institution that keeps custody of stock certificates and other assets of a mutual fund, individual, or corporate client. See: Deposito MORE

Usual Customary And Reasonable (UCR)

Health / Health Insurance / Usual Customary And Reasonable (UCR): An amount customarily charged for or covered for similar services and supplies which are medically necessary, recommended by a doctor, or required for treatment. MORE

Usual Customary And Reasonable (UCR) Fee

Health / Health Insurance / Usual Customary And Reasonable (UCR) Fee: The amount commonly charged for a particular medical service by physicians within a particular geographic region. UCR fees are used by traditional health insurance companies as the basis for physician MORE

Usual Customary Or Reasonable (UCR)

Health / Dentistry / Usual Customary Or Reasonable (UCR): The amount reimbursed to providers based on the prevailing fees in a specific area. MORE


Business / Real Estate / Subagent: An agent of a person who is already acting as an agent for a principal. The original agent can delegate authority to a subagent where such delegation is either expressly authorized or customary in the MORE