Other Words for Crack

Crack Adjective Synonyms
break, fracture, chink, crevice, rift, gap, flaw, split, fissure, slit, cleft, split, check, rupture, breach
The crack in the dam was caused by an earthquake.

Crack Noun Synonyms
moment, instant, time, second
She gets up at the crack of dawn.

snap, report, bang, clap, shot
I ducked when I heard the crack of the rifle.

He cracks the whip and the horses start up.

Crack Verb Synonyms
break, fracture, rupture, shiver, shatter, smash
He fell backwards on the pavement and cracked his skull.

fissure, craze, crackle, alligator
The heat of the sun caused the paint to crack.

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More Words for Crack

Report / Snap / Break / Check / Second / Instant / Shot


Lifestyle / Christmas / Cracker: A decorated paper tube that makes a sharp noise (crack!) and releases a small toy when two people pull it apart MORE


Entertainment / Baseball / Crackerjack: Term used to describe a first-rate or spectacular player or team. MORE

Crackback Block

Entertainment / Football / Crackback Block: An illegal block delivered below the opponent's waist by an offensive player who had left the area of close line play and then returned to it, or was not within it at the snap. The term is also used t MORE


Lifestyle / Painting / Cracking: The type of paint failure characterized by breaks in irregular lines wide enough to expose the underlying surface. MORE


Lifestyle / Painting / Sag: A downward movement of a paint or varnish caused by the application of too much coating, or the gathering off too much material in holes, cracks or joints. MORE

Scandium (Sc)

Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Scandium (Sc): Atomic number: 21, Atomic mass: 44.9559 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: unknown, Density: 3.0 g.cm-3 at 20?°C, Melting point: 1541 ?°C, Boiling point: 2836 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.161 nm, Ionic rad MORE