Other Words for Complete

Complete Adjective Synonyms
conclude, finish, end, bring to an end, accomplish, achieve, do, wrap up, finalize
He stopped after completing ten ciruits of the track. Have you completed the prospectus.

finished, ended, concluded, over, done, accomplished, terminated, settled, executed, performed
The company's figures are not yet complete. When will your building plan be complete.

perfect, consummate, exemplary, ideal, model, superior, superlative, superb, faultless, flawless
Her dissertation is a work of complete scholarship.

Complete Verb Synonyms
entire, whole, intact, uncut, unbroken, undivided, unabridged, full, undiminished, unabated, unreduced
The complete works of Dickens are available in paperback. They performed the complete opera, a six-hour marathon.

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More Words for Complete

Ideal / Full / Perfect / Model / Whole / Over / End

Incomplete Fracture

Health / First Aid / Incomplete Fracture: Incomplete fractures are common in kids and are known as greenstick fractures. MORE

Complete Fracture

Health / First Aid / Complete Fracture: Oblique fractures and comminuted fractures are good examples of complete fractures. MORE


Lifestyle / College / Incomplete: An instructor may assign an incomplete (a grade of 'I') to a student. It will be assigned only when a student has not completed a major assignment or examination. Course requirements must be completed MORE

Incomplete Octet

Science / Chemistry / Incomplete Octet: 1. An atom with less than eight electrons in its valence shell. 2. An atom with less than eight total bonding and nonbonding electrons in a Lewis structure, for example, B in BH3 has an incomplete oct MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Completeness: The second aspect of Aristotle's requirements for a tragedy. By completeness, Aristotle emphasizes the logic, wholeness, and closure necessary to satisfy the audience. MORE

Incomplete Combustion

Science / Chemistry / Incomplete Combustion: A combustion reaction or process that does not convert all of the fuel's carbon and hydrogen into carbon dioxide and water, respectively. For example, incomplete combustion of carbon produces carbon m MORE