Other Words for Competition

Competition Adjective Synonyms
rivalry, contention, striving, struggle
The competition for newspaper circulation becomes keener every day.

Competition Noun Synonyms
contest, match, meet, game, tournament, event, championship
We entered the competition as underdogs.

rival, opponent, competition, opposition, adversary, antagonist, contestant, contender
Our main competition has just announced a new product.

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More Words for Competition

Match / Competition / Meet

Competition Ahead

Business / Finance / Competition Ahead: Intra- or intermarket rivalry between or among businesses trying to obtain a larger piece of the same market share. MORE

Interspecific Competition

Science / Marine Biology / Interspecific Competition: Condition in which one species' exploitation of a limiting resource negatively affects another species MORE

In Competition

Business / Finance / In Competition: Used in the context of general equities. Priced higher than the bid price but lower than the offer price. See: In the middle MORE

Perfect Competition

Business / Finance / Perfect Competition: An idealized market environment in which every market participant is too small to affect the market price by acting on its own. MORE


Entertainment / Golf / Skins: (also 'skin game, skins game') a type of competition or wager format where only a uniquely low score can win a hole MORE


Entertainment / Golf / Rabbit: 1. A touring professional that is not a regular member of the tour and who, therefore, must play in a qualifying round to 'win a spot' in order to enter a tour event 2. A game or form of betting comp MORE