Company Noun Synonyms
assemblage, party, band, group, retinue, entourage, suite, train, coterie, ensemble, troop, followers, following, flock, circle, assembly, gathering, convention, body, crowd, throng, troupe, cast, players, actors, performers
The king arrived with his company at the gate of the city. The speaker addressed the assembled company. The company leaves today for a month on the road.
companionship, society, fellowship, attendance, presence, associates, friends, companions, comrades
It was a stormy night, I was only too glad to have his company. A man is known by the company he keeps.
guest(s), visitor(s), caller(s)
Are you having company for dinner tonight.
Search Google for Company:
Business / Finance / Bank Holding Company: A company that owns or has controlling interest in two or more banks and/or other bank holding companies. MORE
Business / Finance / Leveraged Company: A company that has debt in its capital structure. MORE
Business / Finance / Company-Specific Risk: An executive, usually appointed from outside, brought in to turn a company around and make it profitable. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Physician Practice Management (PPM) Company: A company, owned by a group of investors, that purchases physicians' practice assets, provides practice management services, and, in most cases, gives physicians a long-term contract to continue worki MORE
Business / Finance / Blue-Chip Company: Used in the context of general equities. Large and creditworthy company. Company renowned for the quality and wide acceptance of its products or services, and for its ability to make money and pay div MORE
Business / Finance / Investment Company: A firm that that invests the funds of investors in securities appropriate for their stated investment objectives in return for a management fee. See also: Mutual fund. MORE