Club Noun Synonyms
association, society, organization, fraternity, sorority, fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, federation, union, guild, lodge, alliance, league, order, consortium, company
Our sailing club holds an annual race.
beat, cudgel, bludgeon, bat, belabour or belabor, lambaste, baste, thrash, trounce
The guerrillas caught the traitor and clubbed him to death.
The society's club is near Pall Mall.
nightclub, cabaret, nightspot
After the theatre, we stopped at Oscar's club for a nightcap.
Club Verb Synonyms
cudgel, bat, bludgeon, mace, billy, truncheon, baton, staff, stick, cosh, blackjack
The blow from the club required six stitches.
Search Google for Club:
Business / Finance / Investment Club: A group of people who combine their money into a larger pool, then invest collectively in stocks and bonds, making decisions as a group. MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos: Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos embodies cuban rum making excellence and is recognised as one of the best named rums in the world MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club Barrel Proof: Havana Club Barrel Proof is a unique concept in rum as in the fact it is bottled straight from the barrel at 45% MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club 3 Anos: Havana Club 3 Anos is the most prestigious of all the white rums and adds an air of quality to any blend or cocktail. MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Havana Club Anejo Reserva: Havana Club Anejo Reserva is the classic example of the exceptional smoothness of cuban rum MORE