Characteristic Adjective Synonyms
typical, representative, emblematic, symbolic, distinctive, idiosyncratic, symptomatic
How characteristic it is of them to refuse to go to the dance! These subjects are characteristic of the early Impressionists.
Characteristic Noun Synonyms
mark, trait, attribute, feature, quality, property, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, character, earmark
It is a characteristic of bees to swarm.
Search Google for Characteristic:
Property / Character / Emblematic / Mark
Entertainment / Photography / Paper Characteristic Curve: Describes a graphical relationship between exposure values and image density of a printing paper. Each brand of paper may have a different initial characteristic curve. The shape of the curve can be a MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Film Characteristic Curve: Describes a graphical relationship between the logarithm of the exposure value (horizontal axis) and density (vertical axis) of film. Each brand of film exhibits a different characteristic curve. MORE
Science / Biology / Inheritance Of Acquired Characteristics: Lamarcks view that features acquired during an organisms lifetime would be passed on to succeeding generations, leading to inheritable change in species over time. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Characteristic Curve: Performance graph showing the relationship between exposure and density under known developing conditions. It can provide immediate comparative information on factors such as emulsion speed, fog level MORE
Business / Finance / Characteristic Line: Sources of funds provided from operations that alter a company's cash flow position: depreciation, deferred taxes, other sources, and capital expenditures. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Tidal Characteristics: Principally, those features relating to the time, range, and type of tide. MORE