Cement Noun Synonyms
mortar, bond, glue, gum, paste, solder, adhesive
You'll need a special kind of cement to stick metal to glass.
Cement Verb Synonyms
stick, glue, paste, solder, weld, braze, bond, join, bind, combine, unite, cohere, hold, cling, adhere
First cement the tiles to the wall. The ashes and cinders cement readily into a compact mass.
Search Google for Cement:
Technology / Television (TV) / Product Placement: The appearance of a trademarked product (e.g., Budweiser beer or Apple computers) in a program-when the sponsor pays for such placement. MORE
Lifestyle / College / Placement Testing: Placement tests ensure that you get started in the right classes for your academic background and your program. Taking a class for which you are not prepared could prevent you from successfully moving MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Automatic Dialogue Replacement (ADR): The replacement of lines of dialogue during post-production. Also known as looping. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Displacement: A reaction in which a fragment of one reactant is replaced by another reactant (or by a fragent of another reactant). Displacement reactions have the same number of products as reactants, and are desc MORE
Science / Chemistry / Double Displacement: A double displacement or metathesis is a reaction in which two reactants trade fragments: AB + CD = AC + BD, Most commonly, the fragments are ions, e. G. Agno3(aq) + nacl(aq) = agcl(s) + nano3(aq) MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Executive Outplacement: A program designed to provide displaced senior-level managerial and professional employees with career management and transition services that go above and beyond what is typically offered through a c MORE