Other Words for Case

Case Noun Synonyms
specimen, instance, example
Howard is an odd case, isn't he.

instance, example, event, occurrence, happening, occasion, circumstance, state, situation
In a recent case a farmer was attacked by a man-eating tiger. Holmes is investigating a case of a missing necklace.

box, container, carton, crate, chest, holder, receptacle, trunk, suitcase, casket
Please order two cases of paper for the copying machine. The cosmetics came in a fitted case lined in velvet.

action, suit, lawsuit, dispute, cause
I lost my case.

patient, invalid, victim
Four new cases were admitted to the hospital yesterday.

covering, cover, protection, casing, envelope, wrapper
The engraving was on the inside of the watch-case. The book came in a case of fine calfskin.

Case Verb Synonyms
encase, box, crate, pack, package, containerize
The computer arrived, completely cased in rigid foam.

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More Words for Case

Pack / State / Cover / Protection / Suit / Package

Case Definition

Health / Disease / Case Definition: A case definition is the method by which public health professionals define who is included as a case. It is a set of diagnostic criteria that must be fulfilled in order to identify a person as a case MORE


Technology / Motorcycle / Basketcase: A Basketcase is a pile of parts usually bought as a whole and supposedly from a single bike model. Basketcases are bought especially by motorcycle restorers to help finish out a restoration. MORE

Index Case

Health / Disease / Index Case: The index case is the first disease case in an epidemic. Sometimes called ?€?patient zero?€™. MORE

Case Plan

Lifestyle / Adoption / Case Plan: The casework document that outlines the outcomes, goals and tasks necessary to be achieved in order to reduce the risk of maltreatment. MORE

Case Closure

Lifestyle / Adoption / Case Closure: The process of ending the relationship between the CPS worker and the family that often involves a mutual assessment of progress. Optimally, cases are closed when families have achieved their goals an MORE

Case Hardening

Business / Machine Shop / Case Hardening: A heat treating process, basically carbonizing that makes the surface layer or case of steel substantially harder than the interior or core. MORE