Other Words for Care

Care Noun Synonyms
concern, regard, vigilance, mindfulness, heed, solicitude, heedfulness, attention, pains, carefulness, meticulousness, punctiliousness, caution, circumspection
The essence of public-spiritedness is care for the common good. He looks after his moustache and beard with great care. Open with care.

responsibility, charge, protection, guardianship, custody, keeping, safe keeping, control, direction, supervision
The child has been released into our care.

anxiety, worry, trouble, anguish, disquiet, distress, grief, sorrow, dolour, sadness, suffering, misery, woe, tribulation
His haggard look reflected a life of care.

Care Verb Synonyms
be concerned, trouble oneself, feel interest, worry, fret, trouble, mind
Do you care whether Arnold gets the job he wants? I don't care who you are, you can't come in here.

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Control / Protection / Trouble

Inpatient Care

Health / Dentistry / Inpatient Care: Care given to a patient admitted to a hospital, extended care facility, nursing home or other facility. MORE

Outpatient Care

Health / Dentistry / Outpatient Care: Any health care service provided to a patient who is not admitted to a facility. Outpatient care may be provided in a doctor's office, clinic, the patient's home or hospital outpatient department. MORE

Medicare Part D

Health / Dentistry / Medicare Part D: A prescription drug benefit for Medicare-eligible seniors and disabled persons. It was established as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act (MMA) that President Bus MORE

Medicare Part B

Health / Dentistry / Medicare Part B: Medicare-administered medical insurance that helps pay for certain medically necessary practitioner services, outpatient hospital services and supplies not covered by Part A hospital insurance of Medi MORE

Long-Term Care

Health / Dentistry / Long-Term Care: The range of services typically provided at skilled nursing, intermediate-care, personal care or elder-care facilities. MORE

Managed Care

Health / Dentistry / Managed Care: A system of health care delivery that manages the cost of health care and access to health care providers. MORE