By Adverb Synonyms
past, nearby
When he walked by I nearly died.
away, aside
We put by a little for a rainy day.
By Preposition Synonyms
near, beside, next to, close to, alongside
I park my car by my house.
during, at
We travel only by night.
via, by way of, through, past
I go home by High Wycombe.
before, not later than, sooner than
I have to leave by Monday.
by means of, on
I often travel by train.
Search Google for By:
Entertainment / Bowling / Baby Split: A split that a ball can convert into a spare by fitting between the pins; i.e., the 3-10, 2-7, 4-5 etc. MORE
Technology / Computers / Standby: An optional operating state with diminished power consumption. Of all the reduced power states, it uses the least power reduction but has the quickest recovery time. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Dolby Digital - AC-3 Compatible: Formerly known as Dolby AC-3, or audiocoding-3, delivers the movie experience through a maximum of 5.1 channels of surround sound audio. Since the mid-1990's, this Dolby sound format has become the mo MORE
Business / Construction / By Pass Doors: Doors that slide by each other and commonly used as closet doors. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Tenancy By The Entirety: Some states allow husbands and wives to use a special form of co-ownership called tenancy by the entirety. In this form of ownership, each spouse has an equal, undivided interest in the property. (The MORE
Business / Real Estate / Standby Takeout Commitment: An agreement by an interim lender to advance funds to take out a construction lender. MORE