Bureau Noun Synonyms
office, agency, department, division, section, subdivision, subsection, desk
I sent the form to the bureau a month ago, but I still don't have my visa.
(writing-)desk, chest of drawers, chest, dresser, chifferobe, chiffonier
Simon has a beautiful antique bureau in his office. One of my cuff-links rolled under the bureau.
Search Google for Bureau:
Business / Agriculture / Bureau Of Land Management (BLM): A bureau within the Department of the Interior that has exclusive jurisdiction over about 268 million acres of federally owned lands. Approximately one-third of this area is in Alaska. The majority of MORE
Business / Agriculture / Bureau Of Reclamation (BOR): A bureau within the Department of the Interior, whose mission is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources. The agency replaced the Reclamation Service, which was established pursuan MORE
Business / Finance / Credit Bureau: The surplus in a cash account with a broker after purchases have been paid for, plus the extra cash from the sale of securities. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS): The principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. The BLS is an independent national statistical agency that collects, processes, analy MORE
Science / Weather / United States Weather Bureau: The official name of the National Weather Service prior to 1970. MORE
Business / Finance / Investors Service Bureau: NYSE service that deals with all general inquiries concerning securities investments. MORE